For our Vattenfall Business Control department we are now looking for a
Working Student to support Business Control in BU Solar & Batteries in BA Wind
located in Berlin.
Do you want to shape the future?
Vattenfall is now looking for the right person to fill the position as working student to support Business Controlling for Business Unit Solar & Batteries in BA Wind.
Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities like Solar and Batteries. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. In addition, we - have a clear strategy to develop our Solar and Batteries operations further.
Project Objective:
Conduct comprehensive research on the risks of battery storage systems, focusing on risk assessment, opportunity management in revenue streams, and energy market dynamics to support strategic decision-making processes.
We seek a student who wants to work and support us in a highly agile working environment. You will report to the team lead of Controlling for BU Solar & Batteries.
We welcome your application in English, including a short cover letter, CV (please indicate on your CV your expected completion date of your Bachlore or Master degree), current grade reports and your certificate of enrolment. We kindly request that you do not send applications by any means other then via our website as we cannot guarantee the we will be able to process applications that are not made via our website.
For more information about the position you are welcome to contact Ding-He Chen, Risk Manager in Solar & Battery via E-Mail:
For more detailed information regarding the recruitment process, please contact our recruiter Alexandra Weitkus:
At Vattenfall we are convinced that diversity contributes to building a more profitable and attractive company and we strive to be a good role model regarding diversity. Vattenfall works actively for all employees to have the same opportunities and rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, transgender identity or expression, religion or other belief, disability or sexual orientation. Click here for further information.
The security of Vattenfall and its employees is essential. For that reason, a pre-employment screening will be part of your recruitment process. The screening is based on the role you will fulfill within Vattenfall and will be performed by a third party, Validata.
We look forward to receiving your application!
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